Friday, February 21, 2025

The Bohm-GHZ paper is out

 I had this neat calculation in my drawer and on the occasion of quantum mechanic's 100th birthday in 2025, I decided I submit a talk about it to the March meeting of the DPG, the German physical society, in Göttingen. And to have to show something, I put it out on the arxiv today. The idea is as follows:

The GHZ experiment is a beautiful version of Bell's inequality that demonstrates you get to wrong conclusions when you assume that a property of a quantum system has to have some (unknown) value even when you don't measure it. I would say it shows quantum theory is not realistic, in the sense that unmeasured properties do not have secret values (different for example from classical statistical mechanics where you could imagine to actually measure the exact position of molecule number 2342 in your container of gas). For details, see the paper or this beautiful explanation by Coleman. I should mention here that there is another way out by assuming some non-local forces that conspire to make the result come out right never the less.

On the other hand there is Bohmian mechanics. This is well known to be a non-local theory (as the time evolution of its particles depend on the positions of all other particles in the system or even universe) but what I found more interesting is also realistic: There, it is claimed that all that matters are particles positions (including the positions of pointers on your measurement devices that you might interpret as showing something different than positions for example velocities or field strengths or whatever) and those have all (possibly unknown) values at all times even if you don't measure them.

So how can the two be brought together? There might be an obstacle in the fact that GHZ is usually presented to be a correlation of spins and in the Bohmian literature spins are not really positions, you will always have to make use of some Stern-Gerlach experiments to translate those into actual positions. But we can circumvent this the other way: We don't really need spins, we just need observables of the commutation relation of Pauli matrices. You might think that those cannot be realised with position measurements as they always commute but this is only true as you do the position measurements at equal times. If you wait between them, you can in fact have almost Pauli type operators.

So we can set up a GHZ experiment in terms of three particles in three boxes and for each particle you measure whether it is in the left or the right half of the box but for each particle you decide if you do it at time 0 or at a later moment. You can look at the correlation of the three measurements as a function of time (of course, as you measure different particles, the actual measurements you do still commute independent of time) and what you find is the blue line in

GHZ correlations vs. Bohmian correlations

You can also (numerically) solve the Bohmian equation of motion and compute the expectation of the correlation of positions of the three particles at different times which gives the orange line, clearly something else. No surprise, the realistic theory cannot predict the outcome of an experiment that demonstrates that quantum theory is not realistic. And the non-local character of the evolution equation does not help either.

To save the Bohmian theory, one can in fact argue that I have computed the wrong thing: After measuring the position of one particle at time 0 or by letting it interact with a measuring device, the future time evolution of all particles is affected and one should compute that correlation with the corrected (effectively collapsed) wave function. That, however, I cannot do and I claim is impossible since it would depend on the details of how the first particle's position is actually measured (whereas the orthodox prediction above is independent of those details as those interactions commute with the later observations). In any case, at least my interpretation is that if you don't want to predict the correlation wrong the best you can do is to say you cannot do the calculation as it depends on unknown details (but the result of course shouldn't).

In any case, the standard argument why Bohmian mechanics is indistinguishable from more conventional treatments is that all that matters are position correlations and since those are given by psi-squared they are the same for all approaches. But I show this is not the case for these multi-time correlations.

Post script: What happens when you try to discuss physics with a philosopher: